Home 112
Creation date / 2004 / October / 30

A pretty costume dress from the daycare
A pretty costume dress from the daycare
A vampire cloak from the daycare
Amy and Chris
Carol and Nicolas
Chris and Nicolas
Chris and Travis
Chris keeping watch
Chris, Jeannette, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Travis, and Nicolas
Chris, Travis, and Nicolas
Chris, Travis, and Nicolas
Chris, Travis, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Travis, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Travis, Nicolas, and ???
Chris, Travis, Nicolas, and ???
Cutting the cake
Cutting the cake
Cutting the cake
He loved that motorcycle.
I vill suck your blooood! Ha Ha Ha
Interesting porch lights
Interesting porch lights
Interesting porch lights
Interesting porch lights
Interesting porch lights
Jeannette and Mark in the kitchen
Jeannette and one of the kids at the party
Jeannette and one of the kids at the party
Jeannette and others at party
Kids at the party
Living room
Mark making guacamole
Mothers on parade (infrared)
Nicolas and ???
Nicolas and ???
Nicolas as angel
Nicolas as angel
Nicolas as angel
Nicolas as devil
Nicolas loves horses
Nicolas trying to be Travis
One of the kids (infrared)
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents