Home 8841
- Zing!
- Zing!
- Zing!
- Zing!
- Zing!
- Zing!
- From The Top
- From The Top
- From The Top
- From The Top
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners) That's your photographer in the red beard.
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- 2 loud 4 U (Novice Quartet winners)
- The Mike Tester Quartet (I apologize I forgot to write down their name, somebody help?)
- The Mike Tester Quartet (I apologize I forgot to write down their name, somebody help?)
- The Mike Tester Quartet (I apologize I forgot to write down their name, somebody help?)
- The Mike Tester Quartet (I apologize I forgot to write down their name, somebody help?)
- He's not out of focus, he really looks like that...
- Chorus directors accepting their awards.
- Rich Lapp along with the other chorus directors accepting their awards.
- Couer d'Alene, Idaho, "Lake City Harmonizers"
- Couer d'Alene, Idaho, "Lake City Harmonizers"
- Couer d'Alene, Idaho, "Lake City Harmonizers"
- Couer d'Alene, Idaho, "Lake City Harmonizers"
- Couer d'Alene, Idaho, "Lake City Harmonizers"
- Couer d'Alene, Idaho, "Lake City Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers" (Most dapper chorus)
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Pierce County, Washington, "Rainier Valley Harmonizers"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Tri-cities, Washington "Columbia River Chordsmen"
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Boise, Idaho "Boise Valley Chordsmen" (2nd Place)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Spokane, Washington, "Pages of Harmony", (Most Improved Chorus and Division V champs!)
- Yakima Washington "Valley of the Sun" (Best Small Chorus and 3rd overall)
- Yakima Washington "Valley of the Sun" (Best Small Chorus and 3rd overall)
- Yakima Washington "Valley of the Sun" (Best Small Chorus and 3rd overall)
- Yakima Washington "Valley of the Sun" (Best Small Chorus and 3rd overall)
- Yakima Washington "Valley of the Sun" (Best Small Chorus and 3rd overall)
- Yakima Washington "Valley of the Sun" (Best Small Chorus and 3rd overall)
- Columbia Basin "Basinaires"
- Columbia Basin "Basinaires"
- Columbia Basin "Basinaires"