Interesting porch lights
Which way did they go?
A pretty costume dress from the daycare
Interesting porch lights
Playing with the presents
Opening presents
A pretty costume dress from the daycare
Opening presents
Playing after dusk (infrared)
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Playing after dusk (infrared)
Chris and Nicolas
Interesting porch lights
Opening presents
One of the kids (infrared)
Nicolas trying to be Travis
A vampire cloak from the daycare
Opening presents
Opening presents
Interesting porch lights
Opening presents
Opening presents
Interesting porch lights
Opening presents
Travis trying to be scary
Opening presents
Opening presents
I vill suck your blooood! Ha Ha Ha
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Playing with the presents
Travis and others
Opening presents
The attack of the red worm
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Opening presents
Chris keeping watch
Kids at the party
Opening presents
Travis and others
Unknown at party
Opening presents
Nicolas and ???
The "dragon" giant balloon
Opening presents
Mothers on parade (infrared)
Unknown at party
Opening presents
Nicolas and ???
Jeannette and others at party
Playing with the presents
Shari (left with baby) and others
The cake
Shari (middle with baby) and others
Nicolas loves horses
Opening presents
Carol and Nicolas
The birthday spread
Playing with the presents
Playing with the presents
Opening presents
Cutting the cake
Chris, Travis, Nicolas, and ???
Cutting the cake