Photos Direct 2 You public gallery

This is the public side of Photos Direct 2 You.  It is provided for my friends and family to host their photos.  These photos should not be confused with those on the pay side of Photos Direct 2 You. 

All photos are owned by their respective photographers and are not in the public domain.  No photo may be used without permission.

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Cotton Candy

Cotton_Candy.jpg Lonely treeThumbnailsChordsmenLonely treeThumbnailsChordsmenLonely treeThumbnailsChordsmenLonely treeThumbnailsChordsmenLonely treeThumbnailsChordsmenLonely treeThumbnailsChordsmenLonely treeThumbnailsChordsmen

A milkweed seedpod, just opened and ready to spread. I found this one in a nice bit of shade and I used the slow flash to give it some specular highlights. Color corrected in Photoshop, but no other edits.