Home 1565
Creation date / 2003

Charlie, Ceremonial President
Charlie, Mary, Ann, Bill, Rina, Tish, and Johnnye
Chris 2nd grade
Chris at Scott's wedding
Chris kindergarten
Chris with broken elbow
Chris' graduation
Chris, Scott, Eric
Christmas in late 1940's
College graduation 1961
College party
Daddy with Scott and Eric
Dominica Rollie and Dominic Rollie002
Donald Vidal as a toddler
Donald Vidal's graduation
Elizabeth Gartner
Eric 7th grade
Eric at Scott's wedding
Eric kindergarten
Eric toddler
Eric's graduation
Florence Watson and Fred W. Gartner, Richard's parents
Grandma Schmaltz
Grandpa Schmaltz
Guess which is your mom
House on Linda
Jean, Pauline, Marie, and Ann Schmaltz
Jeannette's graduation
Jeannette, Donald, Billy, Fred, Charlotte
Jeannette, Donald, Vanessa, Billy
John Schmaltz family 001
John Schmaltz family 1 001
John Schmaltz girls 001
John Schmaltz girls 1 001
Johnny and Charlie Vidal
Linda house formal dinner
Linda Tom & Jerry party
Marie and Ann Schmaltz and rattler
Mark at 15
Mark at high school dance
Mark in Army
Mark on horse
Mark's graduation
Mom and Chris
Momma before dad 001
Momma with Chris and Eric
More from daddy's death
Nessa's graduation
Mark and Jeannette's wedding
This cat is "on" old family photos. Does that count?
Papa's hat
reunion and Tish's 75th birthday
Richard Gartner
Richard, Jr. (Dick) on a horse
Rina Vidal Wilson
Rina, Chris, and Jeannette
Rosina and Charles Vidal
Schmaltz Family
Schmaltz Girls
Scott 5th grade
Scott about 3
Scott about 5
Scott's graduation
Scott's graduation2
Scott's wedding
Scott, Chris, Eric
Scott, Eric, Chris
Sun Bowl Princess
teacher 1972
The Gartner family
The brothers
The magician and his rabbit
The old homestead at McGaffey
Vanessa at 1
Vanessa at 2
Vanessa in 2nd grade
Vidal House in Italy