Home 43
Creation date / 2006 / April

Travis and Gino entertaining each other while waiting for their food.
Nona and Nicolas playing.
Mark wearing Carol's hat. Very attractive!
Sherry enjoying herself. It's so nice to see her smile.
Who is that masked kid?!?
Nicolas arm wrestling the cook.
Nicolas wins!
Sherry strolling towards the horses.
Grandma showing Nicolas how to pet the horses.
Nicolas looking up horse's nose. "There's nasty stuff in there."
Nona petting the horse.
Horse wanting attention from Grandma.
Getting ready to go for a ride in the wagon.
Sherry being brave and giving the horse some pets. Go Sherry!
Sherry enjoying the wagon ride.
Travis enjoying the wagon ride also.
Ed talking to Nicolas about horses and such.
The two horses that pulled the wagon.
Sherry and Nicolas visiting the horse that was in 'time out' for eating so much a sadle wouldn't fit on him anymore.
Chris, Papa and Nicolas off on another wagon ride.
Sherry and her new friend.
Grandma and Nicolas
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Travis and his Director Megan
Travis signing an autograph for a fan. Remember the little people son!
Travis tripped by an audience member as he rushes down the isle, I thought he was playing Drake, not Grace!
Grace, Drake, and Jaybird
(Rebecca, Travis, and Laurel)
Drake opening the show
Drake ready to take the kids out to the pond
Drake eyeing his new 'son' Ugly
Drake and Ida discussing their new 'son' Ugly
Jaybird reporting on the missing Ugly and Ida (mom), Drake begging Ida to come home and take care of the kids.
The cast after Ugly becomes a swan.
Drake and Ida singing their hearts out
Travis playing the waves in the 'pond'. He's so multi-talented!
So convincing of water waves isn't he?