Home 15
Creation date / 2006 / April / 10

Travis playing the waves in the 'pond'. He's so multi-talented!
Travis and his Director Megan
So convincing of water waves isn't he?
The cast after Ugly becomes a swan.
Travis signing an autograph for a fan. Remember the little people son!
Drake and Ida singing their hearts out
Grace, Drake, and Jaybird
(Rebecca, Travis, and Laurel)
Travis tripped by an audience member as he rushes down the isle, I thought he was playing Drake, not Grace!
Drake opening the show
Drake ready to take the kids out to the pond
Drake eyeing his new 'son' Ugly
Jaybird reporting on the missing Ugly and Ida (mom), Drake begging Ida to come home and take care of the kids.
Drake and Ida discussing their new 'son' Ugly