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Yard at home in Locktown
Gus & Nancy's house
Pier near Beach House
This beach house is made of marble!
Homes in Avalon
Deserted street in Avalon off season.
Tour of Physick house in Cape May
Dr. Physick home
Another "gingerbread" house in Cape May.
Mark & Gus waiting, waiting...
Cape May homes
Looking into kitchen. It's roomier than it looks from this photo.
Dining room.
Inside of beach house
Nancy & Ness
Nancy & Gus' beach house in Avalon
Leaving the dock.
Loading ferry to Cape May
Cool Kite from kite shop on beach.
Clever name for pub at Ocean City Beach.
Ocean City beach
Snow Hill, estab. 1600
River at Snow Hill
Nessa coming out of hotel at Virginia Beach.
Virginia Beach.
Virginia Beach
Chesapeak Bay
B Tobacco fields for filtered cigarettes
A Tobacco fields, regular
Beach home raised up in case of flooding.
Painting in home we stayed in
A View from porch of private home
Private home we stayed at in Blue Ridge Mts
Mansion porch overlooking Blue Ridge Mts
Nessa and I walking down entrance. It's starting to rain.
Porch overlooking mountains.
New desk layout.
New office layout.
New office layout.
Living room wall with piano and entertainment center (view of music playlist on the monitor).
Living room wall with piano and entertainment center (view of music playlist on the monitor).
Living room wall with pool wall stand and piano.
The finished living room. I added the pool table and replaced the fireplace doors.
The finished living room. I added the pool table and replaced the fireplace doors.
The finished living room. I added the pool table and replaced the fireplace doors.
A shot of the door open. It is very sunny outside today, wow.
Another shot of the new door from the inside.