Home 1291
Creation date / 2005

Young Mark
You can see clearly the height of the first floor of this building. The thatch is protecting a mural on the second floor.
Working on the electric car after the aborted Thursday run
Whole family at snack time
Where is the kid?
What good sailors we are
What a towel... 2
What a towel... 1
wet Chris 2
wet Chris
Wendover from a nearby hill clearly showing the curvature of the earth (the road in the upper left distance is razor straight, a
Wendover from a nearby hill clearly showing the curvature of the earth (the road in the upper left distance is razor straight, a
Wendover from a nearby hill clearly showing the curvature of the earth (the road in the upper left distance is razor straight, a
Wendover airport main buildings seen from the Air America prop airplane
Waterlogged Dad 2
Waterlogged Dad
Water bikes were cute, but impractical (way too much work)
Water arobics was tremendously popular
Watching Volleyball
Watching the sailing
Walking down into Tulum
Very sharp rocks on the beach.
Very cute
Unknown people at the bonfire (the white spots are large flakes of snow coming down)
Unknown people at the bonfire
Unknown people at the bonfire
Unknown people at the bonfire
Unknown people at the bonfire
Unknown people at the bonfire
Unknown people at the bonfire
Unfortunately we weren't allowed to get very close to most of the buildings to avoid damage.
Tulum lighthouse with resorts in the background 2
Tulum lighthouse with resorts in the background 1
Tulum lighthouse 3
Tulum lighthouse 2
Tulum lighthouse 1
Travis, Nicolas, Chris, and Julie sailing 2
Travis, Nicolas, Chris, and Julie sailing
Travis, Nicolas, and Amy
Travis, Julie and Chris getting ready 2
Travis, Julie and Chris getting ready 1
Travis, Amy, Nessa, and Jeannette
Travis wasn't excited to para-sail at all...
Travis the pool shark 2
Travis the pool shark 1
Travis snacking
Travis setting (with eyes closed) while Chris and Julie support
Travis serving... Or pretending to carry the olympic torch... One or the other
Travis serving... CIA agent watching from the water
Travis serving
Travis on a pristine beach south of Barcelò
Travis looking out at the ocean at Tulum
Travis in the cenote
Travis in the cenote
Travis done
Travis coming in 2
Travis coming in
Travis climbing the cliffs at Tulum
Travis climbing a rough trail up the cliff.
Travis by himself
Travis at snack time
Travis and Nicolas, groovy colors man
Travis and Nicolas in the sand 3
Travis and Nicolas in the sand 2
Travis and Nicolas in the sand
Travis and Eric para-sailing
Travis and Chris at Tulum 2
Travis and Chris at Tulum
Travis all done.
train to Denali
trading places
Too cold to snorkle
To the Cat!
This was the strangest serve technique I had ever seen
This was the best move of the day!
This was a tomb and that rectangle was the last resting place of someone important.
This girl had won the Ms. Barcelo Contest the previous evening at our resort.