Home 42
Creation date / 2006 / All / Wednesday

Stelli riding our train we have in the back yard.
West side of the yard. Our garden area.
Bike riding area.
East side of the yard. We have slides, playhouse, climbing area, sand box, pond with fish (fenced off of course, but the childr
This is one of our sunflowers we started from a seed.
The children and I have been growing a beautiful garden. These are our tomato plants.
Changing area.
North side of the child care center.
This is our Science Area. Currently, we are watching tadpoles grow into frogs. We are also taking care of a caterpillar named A
This is our Role Play area.
Manipulative Area. We can play with blocks, cars, animals, etc. This is a great area for cognitive, fine and gross motor skill
Another view of our Role Play area. We have a kitchen with pretend food, dishes, microwave, mixer, blender...etc. This is a gr
Another part of our Role Play area. We have many different things to try on, shoes, outfits, hats, etc. We can pretend to be j
Quiet Are. Here we read, watch the fish, or whatever quiet activity we want to do. You can also see some of our Art Displayed o
Travis and Gino entertaining each other while waiting for their food.
Nona and Nicolas playing.
Mark wearing Carol's hat. Very attractive!
Sherry enjoying herself. It's so nice to see her smile.
Who is that masked kid?!?
Nicolas arm wrestling the cook.
Nicolas wins!
Sherry strolling towards the horses.
Grandma showing Nicolas how to pet the horses.
Nicolas looking up horse's nose. "There's nasty stuff in there."
Nona petting the horse.
Horse wanting attention from Grandma.
Getting ready to go for a ride in the wagon.
Sherry being brave and giving the horse some pets. Go Sherry!
Sherry enjoying the wagon ride.
Travis enjoying the wagon ride also.
Ed talking to Nicolas about horses and such.
The two horses that pulled the wagon.
Sherry and Nicolas visiting the horse that was in 'time out' for eating so much a sadle wouldn't fit on him anymore.
Chris, Papa and Nicolas off on another wagon ride.
Sherry and her new friend.
Grandma and Nicolas
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