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Creation date / All / Week 5 / Sunday
- Snackies
- More Snacks
- Snacks
- Pre Lunch
- Post Breakfast
- Elevens
- IMG_0976.JPG
- IMG_0975.JPG
- IMG_0974.JPG
- IMG_0973.JPG
- IMG_0972.JPG
- IMG_0971.JPG
- IMG_0970.JPG
- IMG_0969.JPG
- IMG_0968.JPG
- Parasailing
- Parasailing
- Mark and Jeannette ready to launch
- What good sailors we are
- The Cat
- Shoving off
- Catamaran
- Loading up the catamaran
- Ready to parasail
- Hidden kid
- sitting at beach
- Chris playing volleyball
- Too cold to snorkle
- Snorkle in the pool
- Scott showing Nico
- Snorkle lessons
- Snorkle lessons with Nico
- Snorkle lessons
- Nona and Nico
- Nona and Nico
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003
- Christmas, Gallup, 2003