- Charlie, Ceremonial President
- Charlie, Mary, Ann, Bill, Rina, Tish, and Johnnye
- Chris 2nd grade
- Chris at Scott's wedding
- Chris kindergarten
- Chris with broken elbow
- Chris' graduation
- Chris, Scott, Eric
- Chris
- Christmas in late 1940's
- College graduation 1961
- College party
- Daddy with Scott and Eric
- Dominica Rollie and Dominic Rollie002
- Donald Vidal as a toddler
- Donald Vidal's graduation
- Elizabeth Gartner
- Eric 7th grade
- Eric at Scott's wedding
- Eric kindergarten
- Eric toddler
- Eric's graduation
- Florence Watson and Fred W. Gartner, Richard's parents
- Gartners
- Grandma Schmaltz
- Grandpa Schmaltz
- Guess which is your mom
- House on Linda
- Jean, Pauline, Marie, and Ann Schmaltz
- Jeannette's graduation
- Jeannette, Donald, Billy, Fred, Charlotte
- Jeannette, Donald, Vanessa, Billy
- Jeannette
- John Schmaltz family 001
- John Schmaltz family 1 001
- John Schmaltz girls 001
- John Schmaltz girls 1 001
- Johnny and Charlie Vidal
- Linda house formal dinner
- Linda Tom & Jerry party
- Marie and Ann Schmaltz and rattler
- Mark at 15
- Mark at high school dance
- Mark in Army
- Mark on horse
- Mark's graduation
- Mom and Chris
- Momma before dad 001
- Momma with Chris and Eric
- More from daddy's death
- Nessa's graduation
- Mark and Jeannette's wedding
- This cat is "on" old family photos. Does that count?
- Papa's hat
- reunion and Tish's 75th birthday
- Richard Gartner
- Richard, Jr. (Dick) on a horse
- Rina Vidal Wilson
- Rina, Chris, and Jeannette
- Rosina and Charles Vidal
- Schmaltz Family
- Schmaltz Girls
- Scott 5th grade
- Scott about 3
- Scott about 5
- Scott's graduation
- Scott's graduation2
- Scott's wedding
- Scott, Chris, Eric
- Scott, Eric, Chris
- Sun Bowl Princess
- teacher 1972
- The Gartner family
- The brothers
- The magician and his rabbit
- The old homestead at McGaffey
- Vanessa at 1
- Vanessa at 2
- Vanessa in 2nd grade
- Vidal House in Italy