Home / Amy's pictures / Photos of my nephew/godson Nicolas Gartner / Various uncategorized photos of Nicolas 47
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Nicolas holding "Tweet Tweet" class pet
Nicolas soaking his tired feet.jpg
This is how I sleep in my big boy bed
My own big boy bed
what fun
where oh where can my mommy be
perfect fit
playing with water
the look
oh no, 7-16-03
look at me, 7-16-03
eating again
happy eating 1-31-03
kicking up my feet
daddy's turn
brothers 1-31-03
a bow for Nicolas' hair
baby fonzie
bath time
Travis & Nicolas
Travis giving Nicolas a push start
a big smile for daddy 1-31-03
Sweet Face
Sidney's costume
Smiley, 1 2002
Savannah 'observing' the hamsters
Nicolas with his blankey
Nicolas helping daddy study accounting
Nicolas listening to Christmas music
Nicolas and Freckles
Nicolas at breakfast
Nicolas eating
I Said NO
Just sittin' around
Look at my big foot
Chris as a baby
Hamster #1
Hamster #2
Big Smiles 3 months
Bad hair day 1 months
Awake 1 month
All snuggled up