Home / Playa Del Carmon, Barcelo, Mexico / Scott's Mexico Pictures / Family photos from Mexico 2005 126

More boating 2
More boating 1
Travis the pool shark 2
Travis the pool shark 1
Travis setting (with eyes closed) while Chris and Julie support
Eric serving, again
Chris serving
Julie preparing to receive a serve while Chris and Travis support
Travis serving... Or pretending to carry the olympic torch... One or the other
Eric serving again
Chris setting while Travis and Eric (on right) and an unknown guy support
Chris digging while Julie and Travis support
Eric serving
Travis serving... CIA agent watching from the water
Julie serving... Very serious
Travis serving
Julie receiving the serve, Travis (in black) ready for the set
Eric missed the block, but Chris was there to back him up
Chris in good form
Chris setting the ball
Eric setting the ball
Chris playing volleyball
A balet dancer apparently snuck into the volleyball game
Eric serves (Dad on the right watches)
Eric (in black shorts) goes up to block the spike
Julie and Eric on the beach
Julie and Nicolas playing ball 5
Julie and Nicolas playing ball 4
Julie and Nicolas playing ball 3
Julie and Nicolas playing ball 2
Julie and Nicolas playing ball
Eric, Julie, and Nicolas playing ball 4
Eric, Julie, and Nicolas playing ball 3
Eric, Julie, and Nicolas playing ball 2
Eric, Julie, and Nicolas playing ball
Nicolas and his new hat 5
Nicolas and his new hat 4
Bailey, Chris, Amy, and Nicolas at snack time
Bailey and Chris at snack time
Mark at snack time
Eric was dour and unhappy the whole time ;-)
Travis at snack time
Nessa making a funny face... Or is she?
Nessa at snack time
Jeannette at snack time
Julie and Jeannette at snack time 2
Julie and Jeannette at snack time
Nicolas and his new hat 3
Nicolas and his new hat 2
Nicolas and his new hat
Whole family at snack time
Eric all done. Really this time.
Travis all done.
Travis and Eric para-sailing
Eric and Travis ready to go
Eric and Travis go again
Nessa and Travis para-sailing
Nessa looks like she's preparing for a root canal...
Travis wasn't excited to para-sail at all...
Nessa and Travis preparing to para-sail
Mom looks sort of happy. Maybe it's just relief!
Mark and Jeannette all done.
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing 4
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing 3
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing 2
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing
Eric all done.
Julie all done.
Eric and Julie, this is a piece of cake...
Eric and Julie, yes it's way up there!
Eric and Juile para-sailing 3
Eric and Julie - Look you can see Cozumel from here!
Eric and Juile para-sailing 2
Eric and Juile para-sailing
Julie and Eric preparing to para-sail
Scott para-sailing 3
Scott para-sailing 2 - Strange I don't look frightened to death...
Scott para-sailing
Travis and Chris at Tulum 2