Home 28
Creation date / 2006 / April / 12

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Grandma and Nicolas
Sherry and her new friend.
Chris, Papa and Nicolas off on another wagon ride.
Sherry and Nicolas visiting the horse that was in 'time out' for eating so much a sadle wouldn't fit on him anymore.
The two horses that pulled the wagon.
Ed talking to Nicolas about horses and such.
Travis enjoying the wagon ride also.
Sherry enjoying the wagon ride.
Sherry being brave and giving the horse some pets. Go Sherry!
Getting ready to go for a ride in the wagon.
Horse wanting attention from Grandma.
Nona petting the horse.
Nicolas looking up horse's nose. "There's nasty stuff in there."
Grandma showing Nicolas how to pet the horses.
Sherry strolling towards the horses.
Nicolas wins!
Nicolas arm wrestling the cook.
Who is that masked kid?!?
Sherry enjoying herself. It's so nice to see her smile.
Mark wearing Carol's hat. Very attractive!
Nona and Nicolas playing.
Travis and Gino entertaining each other while waiting for their food.