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Creation date / 2006
- Mexico pics 022.jpg
- Mexico pics 023.jpg
- Mexico pics 025.jpg
- Mexico pics 026.jpg
- Mexico pics 027.jpg
- Mexico pics 028.jpg
- Mexico pics 029.jpg
- Mexico pics 030.jpg
- Mexico pics 031.jpg
- Mexico pics 032.jpg
- Mexico pics 033.jpg
- Mexico pics 034.jpg
- Mexico pics 036.jpg
- Mexico pics 037.jpg
- Mexico pics 038.jpg
- Mexico pics 039.jpg
- Mexico pics 040.jpg
- Mexico pics 043.jpg
- Mexico pics 044.jpg
- Mexico pics 046.jpg
- Mexico pics 047.jpg
- Mexico pics 048.jpg
- Mexico pics 050.jpg
- Mexico pics 051.jpg
- Mexico pics 052.jpg
- Mexico pics 053.jpg
- Mexico pics 054.jpg
- Mexico pics 055.jpg
- Mexico pics 056.jpg
- Mexico pics 057.jpg
- Mexico pics 058.jpg
- Mexico pics 063.jpg
- Mexico pics 064.jpg
- Mexico pics 066.jpg
- Mexico pics 075.jpg
- Mexico pics 077.jpg
- Mexico pics 078.jpg
- Mexico pics 081.jpg
- Nicolas in Mexico 2006.jpg
- Catwoman and the Wolfman
- Honk!-10.jpg
- Honk!-03.jpg
- So convincing of water waves isn't he?
- Travis playing the waves in the 'pond'. He's so multi-talented!
- Drake and Ida singing their hearts out
- The cast after Ugly becomes a swan.
- Jaybird reporting on the missing Ugly and Ida (mom), Drake begging Ida to come home and take care of the kids.
- Drake and Ida discussing their new 'son' Ugly
- Drake eyeing his new 'son' Ugly
- Drake ready to take the kids out to the pond
- Drake opening the show
- Grace, Drake, and Jaybird (Rebecca, Travis, and Laurel)
- Travis tripped by an audience member as he rushes down the isle, I thought he was playing Drake, not Grace!
- Travis signing an autograph for a fan. Remember the little people son!
- Travis and his Director Megan
- Ranch-82 (2).JPG
- Grandma and Nicolas
- Sherry and her new friend.
- Chris, Papa and Nicolas off on another wagon ride.
- Sherry and Nicolas visiting the horse that was in 'time out' for eating so much a sadle wouldn't fit on him anymore.
- The two horses that pulled the wagon.
- Ed talking to Nicolas about horses and such.
- Travis enjoying the wagon ride also.
- Sherry enjoying the wagon ride.
- Sherry being brave and giving the horse some pets. Go Sherry!
- Ranch-21.jpg
- Getting ready to go for a ride in the wagon.
- Horse wanting attention from Grandma.
- Nona petting the horse.
- Ranch-26.jpg
- Ranch-28.jpg
- Ranch-30.jpg
- Ranch-42.jpg
- Nicolas looking up horse's nose. "There's nasty stuff in there."
- Grandma showing Nicolas how to pet the horses.
- Sherry strolling towards the horses.
- Nicolas wins!
- Nicolas arm wrestling the cook.
- Who is that masked kid?!?
- Sherry enjoying herself. It's so nice to see her smile.