Home 101
Creation date / 2005 / Week 6 / Monday

Travis and Nicolas, groovy colors man
Travis, Amy, Nessa, and Jeannette
Chris, Amy, and Nicolas
Travis, Nicolas, and Amy
Eric with his wet suit
Eric with his wet suit 2
Eric and Julie ready for the sea
Dad and Nicolas
Nicolas, walking with purpose!
Nicolas in the sand
Nicolas in the sand 2
Nicolas in the sand 3
Travis and Nicolas in the sand
Travis and Nicolas in the sand 2
Travis and Nicolas in the sand 3
Julie and Nicolas
Nicolas showing Grandpa how to steer
Nicolas showing Grandpa how to steer 2
Nicolas showing Chris and Julie how to steer
Travis, Julie and Chris getting ready 1
Travis, Julie and Chris getting ready 2
Travis, Nicolas, Chris, and Julie sailing
Travis, Nicolas, Chris, and Julie sailing 2
Watching the sailing
More watching the sailing
Julie sailboarding
Julie sailboarding 2
Mark after sailing
Eric looking cool in the jungle
Mark, Eric, and Travis with guide climbing into a cenote (sinkhole)
Mark, Eric, and Travis with guide climbing into a cenote (sinkhole) 2
Travis in the cenote
Eric and Travis swimming in the cenote
Nessa, Eric, and Travis in the cenote
Eric in the cenote
Our guide in the cenote
Travis in the cenote
Travis on a pristine beach south of Barcelò
Bailey at Tulum
Travis looking out at the ocean at Tulum
Travis climbing the cliffs at Tulum
Travis and Chris at Tulum
Travis and Chris at Tulum 2
Scott para-sailing
Scott para-sailing 2 - Strange I don't look frightened to death...
Scott para-sailing 3
Julie and Eric preparing to para-sail
Eric and Juile para-sailing
Eric and Juile para-sailing 2
Eric and Julie - Look you can see Cozumel from here!
Eric and Juile para-sailing 3
Eric and Julie, yes it's way up there!
Eric and Julie, this is a piece of cake...
Julie all done.
Eric all done.
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing 2
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing 3
Mark and Jeannette para-sailing 4
Mark and Jeannette all done.
Mom looks sort of happy. Maybe it's just relief!
Nessa and Travis preparing to para-sail
Travis wasn't excited to para-sail at all...
Nessa looks like she's preparing for a root canal...
Nessa and Travis para-sailing
Eric and Travis go again
Eric and Travis ready to go
Travis and Eric para-sailing
Travis all done.
Eric all done. Really this time.
Whole family at snack time
Nicolas and his new hat
Nicolas and his new hat 2
Nicolas and his new hat 3
Julie and Jeannette at snack time